Jordana Brusa is an Italian-Brazilian pianist and piano teacher born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, of Italian origin on her father's side and German on her mother's side. She began her piano studies in 1996 with Professor Renata Normann, when, hearing the compositions of Liszt and Chopin for the first time, she fell deeply in love with the piano and decided to enter the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS.
She studied with André Loss and Ney Fialkow for five years of his Bachelor's degree in Music, taking part in masterclasses with Alexandre Dossin (Brazil/USA), Ana Queirós (Portugal), Arnaldo Cohen (Brazil/USA) and David Witten (USA). He has performed solo piano recitals in the Foyer Nobre of the São Pedro Theatre, playing works by Schubert, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Guarnieri and Rachmaninoff.
Since 2012 she has been a solo pianist and also a collaborator with the violin and viola classes at the UFRGS Institute of Arts. She took part in the ‘Opera at UFRGS’ project, playing the spinett and organ in Dido and Eneas (Purcell) and Orfeo (Monteverdi), beginning her studies in Early Music.
In 2014 she met the Italian harpsichordist, composer and conductor Luca Guglielmi, who invited her to study harpsichord and bass continuo at the Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya - ESMUC in Barcelona.
There, during the three-month Continuing Education Course, she was also able to attend classes by Manfredo Kraemer and Xavier Díaz-Latorre, performing bass continuo (harpsichord, organ and regal) in the production of Monteverdi's Orfeo presented by the school's students.
In 2020 and 2021, she completed her pedagogical complementation by completing a degree in Music, as well as a lato sensu postgraduate course in Art Teaching Methodology. She was a teacher in the municipal school system in Esteio/Brazil and is currently dedicated to personalised, home-based piano teaching through a reflective, critical, autonomous and creative approach to piano repertoire and technique, leading students to develop their potential.